Sunday, November 16, 2008

Twilight Party

The other day I went to a book club meeting where we had a "Twilight" party. I LOVED the books!! I read all 4 of them in less than 2 weeks. I'm not that excited for the movie to come out though. There is not a human being alive as beautiful as I picture Edward. My imagination is VERY good. Besides, I'm a little bummed that Belle didn't end up with Jacob. I would have chosen him. In fact, I married my Jacob!! I couldn't be happier.


Krista said...

I loved the books, too! I agree, my imagination worked out things differently, too. Good read!

Britnee said...

I, for one, am very excited about the movie! David and I have a breakfast date to go see it at 10:30 Friday morning. At first, I wasn't sold on Robert Pattinson, either. Edward was always more of a James Franco in my head. After watching all the interviews and whatnot, though, I've decided that Robert Pattinson is pretty darn adorable.

Shilowe said...

I saw the movie! I think it did the book justice, considering the fact that they couldn't cram everything into a short 2 hour film. But, like you, I didn't think Edward's actor was as handsome as I had pictured him either. But it was just fun to watch a recap of the story. (I've also read all 4 books.)