Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Snow Fall

Well, it snowed for the first time today. Wee One and Bo were ecstatic!! They sat and the window and yelled, "It's snowing!! It's already winter, I can't believe it. It's almost Christmas". Sadly, they were right. They had a great time helping me get out the box of winter clothes to see what still fit and what needed to be replaced. I let them go out and run in the snow for a few minutes, and they were in heaven.


Clint, Mel & Kids said...

My kids had to do the same thing and now I have wet shoes all over the house! Fun times.

Shilowe said...

My mind is still in Idaho-climate-mode. And this post proves it! I keep dressing me and the boys really warm when we go out, but then we all end up sweating like crazy because it's not as cold here as I am used to it being by this time of the year. Ha ha.